How To Order:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The House on Cemetery Hill-My first book to be released later this year!

Check out all the latest updates for The House on Cemetery Hill on twitter or my facebook page:

Finished the cover last week, and just waiting on editing. Fingers crossed that the book will be available before Halloween!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lemon and Raspberry Cookies

I tried a new lemon glaze reciepe.

Add a little lemon zest and a raspberry.

It was a perfect lemon sweet summer treat.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Meatboy Birthday Cake, Cookies, & More...

For my husband's birthday I thought I'd make a theme from one of his video games. I choose one of my husbands favorite games Super Meatboy. This game has everything; amazing music, difficult levels, and even a love story. Awh.

~ don't know who Meatboy is!


Want more see how hard he fights to get back Bandage Girl:


Are you like me & hooked on the music? Here is a place to download it:

Seriously Forest Funk is genius! I'd be baking and listening to Betus Blues while Andy would be on a certain level, and I would not want him to beat the level or move on because I liked the music so much. lol. (Super Meatboy composer Danny B. Hearts!)

Ok so now you know how awesome Super Meatboy is-if you didn't already.

So onto the cake!

Now I'm not much for cake decorating, but I tried my best on this two tier Meatboy cake.

The lower level was double fudge cake mixed with butter so it would be super moist. The upper tier was a red velvet cake made with butter so it was super moist. This also was horrible to work with, but it was worth it for the taste.

The finale to this super moist cake...made from scratch vanilla cream cheese frosting.

My husband loved it! Which was kinda the piont so I felt great.

The cake next to some Meatboy decorations I made and the Meatboy painting I made for my husband.

He also needed Meatboy sugar cookies. Hand frosted with love!

I think my husband really enjoyed his birthday. I'm so happy!

I get a thumbs up!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bringing Back The Classics

Brownies and...

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm bringing back the classics to share at the UMOM charity event on Wednesday!

I'm so glad that Kelly Curly's Sweetheart Bakery can be part of this.

Pics to come!

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's All In the Dough

Or the crust as this case may be.

As my test kitchen is deconstructing a lemon bar recipe I couldn't help but think how important a basic crust or dough recipe is.

This is a picture of some warm vanilla sugar cookie dough.
It truly is the backbone of any good recipe. I guess I'm thinking about this becasue I'm trying to create a new crust recipe. It really is worth the time and the effort.

Because the end product is something that compliments your creation.

Keep cooking & baking my friends!


~Kelly Curly

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Roast Dinner

We wanted something healthy, and delicious for dinner.

Hmmmm...what to make? I baked the roast in chicken broth for 3 hours.

I added salt and pepper to it before baking it to give it some flavor.

Served with green beans, and mashed cauliflower. It was a delicious meal.

Best part is my husband figured out how to set the oven to turn on and off automatically.

Now we can have dinner done before we even get home.

Isn't technology wonderful!

Isn't roast wonderful!